Fluorescent light sparks Yuen Long cable fire | The Standard

2022-09-03 06:40:53 By : Mr. jing xie

The final report from power firm CLP on the June cable bridge fire in Yuen Long has revealed that a fluorescent lamp inside the cable bridge is the source of the ignition that left about 20,000 households across New Territories West without power for two days.

Speaking at a press conference on Friday, CLP said they believed that the cause of the fire is likely to be attributed to a fluorescent light that caught fire inside the bridge, with the spark then ignited the communication cable and high-voltage cables underneath it.

The report noted that the fluorescent light was installed below a crossbeam within a section around four meters from the junction between the steel bridge and a concrete chamber on Kwong Yip Street.

The power company also said in the report that foul play, a glitch in the protection system and the hot weather had been ruled out as causes.

The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department said on Monday the report was being reviewed by independent experts to decide if the cause identified by CLP was accurate and if remedial measures introduced later were sufficient.

A CLP spokesman said it had ramped up precautions at all its cable bridges after the incident, with the installation of additional fire protection and firefighting equipment. It will also replace all low-voltage electrical installations - including the fluorescent light that posed fire hazards, and carry out a risk assessment of vulnerable power transmission equipment.

Meanwhile, the power company said the HK$100 vouchers offered to affected residents of Yuen Long, Tin Shui Wai and Tuen Mun as compensation will be distributed in mid-September.

CLP said earlier that the scheme is expected to cost about HK$20 million and was designed “to show care and express gratitude for the affected customers’ understanding”.  

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